Sunday, March 22, 2009

WoW Fishing Leveling Guide

This is a World of Warcraft Fishing Guide. If you are looking for ways to make gold please see this Gold Guide. If you are looking for a World of Warcraft leveling guide from 1-70 please see either Horde 1-70 Guide or Alliance 1-70 Guide. Other profession and class guides can be found at Killer Guides.

Fishing is a very important secondary profession. It can provide a lot of inregedients for various alchemy formulas, cooking recipes, or hunters can use it to feed their pets. It is also relatively easy to Powerlevel fishing because no matter where you fish you can go from 1 to 300 there as long as you train so your max skill level of fishing can increase. Here is a fishing guide on how to get from level 1-300. All you need is a fishing pole, maybe some bait, and any type of water.

Horde Fishing Trainers


  • Lau'Tiki, Darkspear Strand, Durotar
  • Lumak, Orgimmar
  • Kattom the Angler, Revantusk Village, Hinterlands
  • Kah Mistrunner, Thunder Bluff
  • Armand Cromwell, Magic Quarter, Undercity


  • To get to expert you must purchase an expert book from the following vendor and have skill of at least 125 to use
  • Old Man Heming, Booty Bay, Stranglethorn


  • To get to Artisan you must complete a quest
  • Lumak, Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar

Artisan Quest

Lumak will send you on a journey to Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh he's located approximately at 60,60 southwest of Theramore Isle just across the bay. You will get the quest "Nat Pagle's Angler Extreme" it wants you to catch various types of fish, but only need to catch one of each

  • Feralas Ahi ,Verdantis River, Feralas approximately 61,52
  • Sar'theris Striker, Sar'theris, Near Shadowprey Village approximately 25,79
  • Savage Coast Blue Sailfin, Savage Coast, near Grom'Gol Base Camp approximately 29,23
  • Misty Reed Mahi Mahi, Misty Reed Strand, Swamp of Sorrows approximately 90,72

Make sure you have the artisan quest and 225 skill or you won't be able to catch these fish!

Alliance Trainers


  • Astaia, The Temple Gardens, Darnassus
  • Matthew Hooper, Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains
  • Arnold Leland, Trade District, Stormwind
  • Harold Riggs, Menthil Harbor, Wetlands


  • To get to expert you must purchase an expert book from the following vendor and have skill of at least 125 to use
  • Old Man Heming, Booty Bay, Stranglethorn


  • To get to Artisan you must complete a quest
  • Grimnur Stonebrand, Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge

Artisan Quest

Grimnur will send you on a journey to Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh he's located approximately at 60,60 southwest of Theramore Isle just across the bay. You will get the quest "Nat Pagle's Angler Extreme" it wants you to catch various types of fish, but only need to catch one of each

  • Feralas Ahi ,Verdantis River, Feralas approximately 61,52
  • Sar'theris Striker, Sar'theris, Near Shadowprey Village approximately 25,79
  • Savage Coast Blue Sailfin, Savage Coast, near Grom'Gol Base Camp approximately 29,23
  • Misty Reed Mahi Mahi, Misty Reed Strand, Swamp of Sorrows approximately 90,72

Make sure you have the artisan fishing quest and 225 skill or you won't be able to catch these fish!

Once you have the above information it is quite easy to power level your fishing skill from 1 to 300 very fast, but just for fun let me give you some example zones with skill levels you will need to fish them.

Fishing Skill Requirements

Starting areas in all major cities will require a skill from 1-50 to fish in. You can level fishing to 300 in any area you wish as long as you keep training to allow an increase in your maximum fishing skill.

Zone requirements for fishing
Required Skill
Alterac Mountains 150-170
Arathi Highlands 150-180
Ashenvale 75-150
Azshara 200-275
Badlands 175-235
Blasted Lands 235-265
Burning Steppes 240-290
Darkshore 50-80
Desolace 100-175
Dun Morogh 1-50
Durotar 1-50
Duskwood 95-150
Dustwallow Marsh 150-300
Eastern Plaguelands 265-280
Elwynn Forest 1-50
Felwood 175-250
Feralas 150-175
Hillsbrad Foothills 100-155
Hinterlands 200-245
Loch Modan 50-100
Mulgore 1-50
Redridge Mountains 80-120
Searing Gorge 200-225
Silverpine Forest 50-105
Stonetalon Mountains 75-125
Stranglethorn Vale 150-250
Swamp of Sorrows 175-225
Tanaris 225-275
Teldrassil 1-50
The Barrens 50-100
Thousand Needles 75-125
Tirisfal Glades 1-50
UnGoro Crater 225-275
Western Plaguelands 255-270
Westfall 50-80
Wetlands 105-150
Winterspring 250-300

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